Fires and floods - talk about it, don’t isolate

Do you feel sick seeing the extreme heat waves and flash flooding happening in the northern hemisphere? I do. We remember our own recent global heating catastrophes and fear them happening here again soon.

As we go on with our daily lives, please do so in conscious solidarity with those suffering. And for yourself - with our species gift of consciousness - choose to see, to feel, to know, to empathise, to devise ways to cope. It isn’t easy.

Please know it’s better - safer, more human - to talk about it, not to keep it within or isolate, but to grieve and get angry together.

Stay strong friends. And demand much more of ‘leaders’ who refuse to act immediately to make the changes needed to keep us all as safe as we can be, given the damage already done.


Work/life balance? How about life/work balance!


Winter is here - happy solstice, or SAD?